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Reporting and Revision of End-Quarter Grades


All grades should be reported within a timely fashion following the end of final examination period. This will ensure that students can be cleared for graduation, athletes are eligible for competition, and remove students from probation and other academic statuses affecting their eligibility to continue.

Policy Statement

Reporting of Grades

All grades should be reported within 96 hours after the time and day reserved for the final examination, and in no case later than noon of the fourth day (including weekends) after the last day of the final examination period.

Revision of End-Quarter Grades

When duly filed with the Office of the University Registrar, end-quarter grades are final and not subject to change by reason of a revision of judgment on the instructor's part; nor are grades to be revised on the basis of a second trial (for example, a new examination or additional work undertaken or completed after the end of the quarter). Changes may be made at any time to correct an actual error in computation or transcription, or where some part of the student's work has been unintentionally overlooked; that is, if the new grade is the one that would have been entered on the original report had there been no mistake in computing and had all the pertinent data been before the instructor, the change is a proper one.

If a student questions an end-quarter grade based on the grading of part of a specific piece of work (for example, part of a test) on the basis of one of the allowable factors mentioned in the preceding paragraph (for example, an error in computation or transcription, or work unintentionally overlooked, but not matters of judgment as mentioned below), the instructor may review the entire piece of work in question (for example, the entire test) for the purpose of determining whether the end-quarter grade was a proper one. In general, changing an end-quarter grade is permitted on the basis of the allowable factors already mentioned whether an error is discovered by the student or the instructor; however, changing a grade is not permitted by reason of revision of judgment on the part of the instructor.

In the event that a student disputes an end-quarter grade, the established grievance procedure should be followed (see the Student Academic Grievance Procedure).

Freezing of Grades Upon Graduation

All grades, with the exception of 'I' (Incomplete), 'GNR' (Grade Not Reported), 'L' (Pass, grade to follow), and 'N' (Continuation) grades, are frozen at the time of graduation. Grades of Incomplete become frozen 12 months after the quarter in which they were awarded, either as 'NP' (Not Passed) if the course work has not been successfully completed, or another grade if it has. Grades of 'GNR', 'L', or 'N' also have one year to be updated after which they are frozen as they stand. The Office of the University Registrar evaluates prior to graduation whether the GPA on a transcript bearing grades of Incomplete would meet University requirements for graduation even if all 'I' grades were replaced by 'NP'.

Contact Information

Academic Records and Enrollment, Office of the University Registrar