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Special Registration Statuses for Graduate Students


Special registration statuses allow a student to take fewer units than what is typically required. Students on an approved special registration status are usually assessed a reduced tuition rate.

Policy Statement

Graduate students are required to enroll in at least 8 units during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters. Special registration statuses allow a student to take fewer units than what is typically required. Students on an approved special registration status are usually assessed a reduced tuition rate.

All special registration status requests must be submitted by the Preliminary Study List deadline of the applicable quarter.

Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR)

Doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy, completed all required courses and degree requirements (other than the university oral exam and dissertation), completed 135 units or 10.5 quarters of residency, and submitted a Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee form, may request Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR) status to complete their dissertations. Students pursuing Engineer degrees may apply for TGR status after admission to candidacy, completion of all required courses, and completion of 90 units or six quarters of residency. Students enrolled in master's programs with a required project or thesis may apply for TGR status upon completion of all required courses and completion of 45 units. Students with more than one active graduate degree program must be TGR-eligible in all programs in order to apply for TGR status.

During the academic year, TGR students must enroll for zero units in their department's TGR course under the appropriate section for their advisor (801 for master's and Engineer degree students or 802 for doctoral students). Students on TGR status are charged a special tuition rate and are certified as being enrolled full-time. TGR students may enroll in up to 3 units of coursework per quarter at the TGR tuition rate without incurring additional tuition charges. If a TGR student elects to enroll in more than 3 units, tuition will be charged at the applicable unit rate. Courses completed while in TGR status cannot be applied towards requirements for any degree program. See the Minimum Progress Requirements for Graduate Students policy pages for information about satisfactory progress requirements for TGR students.

While enrollment in Summer Quarter is typically optional, degree programs, advisors, or funding sources may require students in TGR status to enroll. The minimum enrollment requirement in Summer Quarter is one unit or the appropriate TGR rate.

TGR Final Registration

The TGR Final Registration status may be granted for one quarter only to graduate students working on incompletes in their final quarter or registering for a final term after all requirements are completed when a Graduation Quarter is not applicable. TGR requirements above apply with the exception of the residency requirement. Students may be working on "I" (incomplete) or "N" grades in order to reach residency requirements while on this status. Students are not permitted to have any enrollment aside from their TGR course in the quarter they are applying for this status. 

Graduate Petition for Part-time Enrollment

Graduate and coterminal students in the graduate billing group who need fewer than 8 remaining units to complete all degree requirements or to qualify for TGR status may register for one quarter on a unit basis (3 to 7 units) to cover the deficiency. This status may be used only once during a degree program. 

Matriculated and enrolled pregnant graduate students may request up to two quarters of part-time enrollment for an approved Childbirth Academic Accommodation; see the Pregnancy, Childbirth, Adoption and Lactation Policy and the GAP 5.9 Pregnancy, Childbirth, Adoption and Lactation.

International students should consult with Bechtel International Center prior to requesting part-time enrollment to ensure compliance with visa regulations.

Graduate Petition for Part-time Enrollment - OAE Accommodation

Graduate and coterminal students in the graduate billing group with disabilities covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act may enroll in an approved reduced course load as recommended by the Office of Accessible Education (OAE). Students who have been approved by OAE may request this status for multiple quarters. 

International students should consult with Bechtel International Center prior to requesting part-time enrollment to ensure compliance with visa regulations.

Graduation Quarter Status

Registration is required for the term in which a student defends and/or submits a dissertation, or has a degree conferred. Students who meet all the following conditions are eligible to be assessed a special tuition rate for the quarter in which they are receiving a degree:

  1. All coursework and residency requirements for all graduate degree programs, including joint degree programs, have been completed prior to the start of the requested Graduation Quarter.

  2. The student has only to defend and/or submit the dissertation, project, or master's thesis by the deadline for submission in the term designated as the graduation quarter.

  3. The student has formally applied to graduate in Axess.

  4. The student has filed all necessary forms regarding graduation quarter before the first day of the applicable quarter.

A student who is returning after reinstatement in which all degree requirements are complete, with the exception of the dissertation defense and/or submission, is eligible to reinstate into a Graduation Quarter status.

Students on graduation quarter are registered at Stanford and, therefore, have the rights and privileges of registered students. Graduation Quarter status may be used only once during a degree program. There is a tuition rate of $150 for the graduation quarter. Students in Graduation Quarter status and enrolled in a course numbered 801 or 802 are certified as enrolled full-time. Students may not enroll in any additional units.

Implementation Information

Information for students on requesting a special registration status can be found at

Exception Process

Exceptions to the university's policy on Special Registration Statuses may be requested through the Student & Academic Services Student Exceptions Committee. Full details can be found at

Contact Information

Degree Progress, Office of the University Registrar