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Critical Issues in Global Affairs

Stanford Global Studies H&S - Humanities & Sciences

Course Description

It is often stated that we live in a global age. What does this mean? How new is this phenomenon? What does it mean to think about the human experience from a global perspective? And, why does it matter? In this course, we will examine globalism and globalization in historical and contemporary contexts; engage with theoretical frameworks and a range of case studies from a variety of national/regional contexts; and use these to analyze global economic, political, environmental, and socio-cultural networks, trends, and issues, exploring the interconnectedness of the local and the global. We will consider how universal is the human experience and how the answer to this question might impact the future of humanity. (This is the gateway course for students wishing to pursue a Global Studies minor in one of six specializations: African, European, Islamic, Iranian, Latin American, and South Asian studies. Frosh are strongly encouraged to take COLLEGE 119 in spring quarter in place of GLOBAL 101, as COLLEGE 119 fulfills both the global studies minor and COLLEGE global perspectives requirements.)

Grading Basis

RLT - Letter (ABCD/NP)





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?


This course has been approved for the following WAYS

Social Inquiry (SI)

Does this course satisfy the University Language Requirement?



GLOBAL101 is a completion requirement for: