School of Law
Courses offered by the School of Law are listed on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses website under the subject codes LAW and LAWGEN.
The School of Law, established in 1893, provides a legal education for students who are fitted by their maturity and academic training to pursue professional study under University methods of instruction. The curriculum leading to the first professional degree in law, the Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.), constitutes an adequate preparation for the practice of law in any English-speaking jurisdiction. Graduate work leading to the degrees of Master of Laws (L.L.M.), Master of the Science of Law (J.S.M.), and Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D.), and a non-professional degree, Master of Legal Studies (M.L.S.), is also offered. For the full curriculum, see the Course Schedule & Description on the Law School website. Stanford Law School offers joint or dual degree options in combination with other Stanford graduate departments and universities across the country; see the "Joint and Dual Degrees in Law" below.
The school is on a three-term academic calendar. For a complete list of academic dates see the Academic Calendar on the Law School website.
For further information about admission, programs, curriculum, and faculty, see the Law School website.
Joint and Dual Degrees in Law
Formal admission to both the Law School and to the other cooperating school or department in accordance with the established admission standards of each school or department is required. In addition to the established joint degree programs offered, the school considers requests for a dual program on an individually designed basis. For additional information on Law School joint or dual degree programs, see the Law School website. See relevant websites or department sections of this bulletin for degree requirements.
Graduate School of Business
See the GSB's M.B.A. website
J.D./M.B.A. Master of Business Administration
J.D./Ph.D. Business Administration
School of Earth Sciences
J.D./M.S. Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER)
J.D./Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER)
School of Education
J.D./M.A. Education
School of Engineering
J.D./M.S. Bioengineering
J.D./Ph.D. Bioengineering
J.D./M.S. Computer Science
J.D./M.S. Electrical Engineering
J.D./M.S. Management Science and Engineering (MS&E)
J.D./Ph.D. Management Science and Engineering (MS&E)
School of Humanities and Sciences
J.D./Ph.D. Communication
J.D./M.A. Economics
J.D./Ph.D. Economics
J.D./M.A. History
J.D./Ph.D. History
J.D./M.A. in degree granting programs in Stanford Global Studies (SGS):
African Studies
East Asian Studies
Latin American Studies
Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
J.D./M.A. International Policy
J.D./Ph.D. Modern Thought and Literature
J.D./Ph.D. Philosophy
J.D./Ph.D. Political Science
J.D./Ph.D. Psychology
J.D./M.P.P. Public Policy
J.D./Ph.D. Sociology
J.D./M.S. Symbolic Systems
School of Medicine
J.D./M.S. Health Research and Policy (HRP)
J.D./M.D. Medicine
J.D./Ph.D. Neurosciences
Cooperative Programs with Other Universities
Stanford J.D. students have also pursued degrees at other universities such as the Harvard Kennedy School, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and Princeton Woodrow Wilson School. The approval process for such a cooperative program begins after the student has been admitted, independently, to both programs. Students may enroll in either a joint degree among schools at Stanford or in a degree from an external university, but a student may not enroll in both a Stanford JDP and a cooperative program with another university.
Courses in Law
Some Law courses have special enrollment instructions and restrictions, but many Law courses are open to qualified graduate students in other departments of Stanford University with instructor consent. Non-Law students may not enroll in courses that are part of the required first-year J.D. curriculum. Stanford non-Law students intending to enroll in any course with a LAW subject code must consult the Office of the Law School Registrar in the Stanford Law School Administration Building, room 100, or see the Stanford Law School, Office of the Registrar website.
Emeriti (Professors): Janet Cooper Alexander, Paul Brest, Gerhard Casper, Joshua Cohen, G. Marcus Cole, Richard Craswell, Robert M. Daines, Lance E. Dickson, Barbara H. Fried, Jack H. Friedenthal, Lawrence M. Friedman, Ronald J. Gilson, Robert A. Girard, Robert W. Gordon, William B. Gould IV, Thomas C. Grey, Joseph A. Grundfest, Thomas C. Heller, Jay A. Mitchell, Margaret Jane Radin, Byron D. Sher, William H. Simon, Michael S. Wald
Emeriti (Deans): Larry Kramer, M. Elizabeth Magill
Dean: Jenny S. Martinez
Vice Dean: Mark G. Kelman
Associate Dean for Clinical Education: Jayashri Srikantiah
Associate Dean for Curriculum: Robert Weisberg
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies: Amalia D. Kessler
Associate Dean for Research and Intellectual Life: Bernadette Meyler
Senior Associate Dean and Chief Financial Officer: Frank F. Brucato
Associate Deans: Faye Deal, Brian Federico, Susan Fleischmann, Sabrina Johnson, Jeanne Merino, Susan Robinson, Anna Wang, Beth Williams
Professors: Gregory Ablavsky, Michelle Wilde Anderson, Joseph Bankman, R. Richard Banks, Robert Bartlett, Rabia Belt, Jud Campbell, Jennifer M. Chacón, Michele Landis Dauber, John J. Donohue III, David Freeman Engstrom, Nora Freeman Engstrom, George Fisher, Richard T. Ford, Paul Goldstein, Henry T. Greely, Deborah R. Hensler, Daniel E. Ho, Collen Honigsberg, Pamela S. Karlan , Mark G. Kelman, Amalia D. Kessler, Daniel P. Kessler, Michael Klausner, Mark A. Lemley, Robert MacCoun, Lawrence C. Marshall, Jenny S. Martinez, Michael W. McConnell, Michelle Mello, Bernadette Meyler, Curtis Milhaupt, Alison D. Morantz, Anne Joseph O’Connell, Lisa Ouellette, Nathaniel Persily, A. Mitchell Polinsky, Robert L. Rabin, Jane Schacter, Shirin Sinnar, David A. Sklansky, Norman W. Spaulding, James F. Strnad II, David Studdert, Alan O. Sykes, Barton H. Thompson, Jr., George Triantis, Barbara van Schewick, Robert Weisberg
Associate Professors: Julian Nyarko, Diego Zambrano
Assistant Professors: Evelyn Douek, Elizabeth Reese
Professors (Teaching): Juliet M. Brodie, Jeffrey L. Fisher, William S. Koski, Phil Malone, Deborah A. Sivas, James Sonne, Jayashri Srikantiah, Ronald C. Tyler
Assistant Professor (Teaching): Easha Anand, Gulika Reddy
Senior Lecturers: Grande Lum, Alicia Thesing, Allen S. Weiner, Beth Williams
Professors of the Practice of Law: Lucas Guttentag, David W. Mills, Amrit Singh
Professors by courtesy: Matthew Clair, Jennifer Eberhardt, Michael Genesereth, Wendy Salkin, Leif Wenar
Visiting Professors: Tendayi Achiume, Albert H. Choi, Siegfried Fina, Joanna Grossman, Ariel Jurow Kleiman, Dave Owen, Rogelio Perez-Perdomo, Wenona Singel, Fred Smith
Lecturers in Residence: Marilyn Bautista, Randee G. Fenner, Jamie O’Connell, Lisa M. Pearson
Thomas C. Grey Fellows: Nicholas Handler, Brandi Lupo, Seema Patel, Tyler Valeska, Susan Yorke
Lecturers: James An, Mayuri Anupindi, Jack Bair, Sarah Belton, Brian Blalock, Lauren Brady, Adriana Calderon, Viola Canales, Diane Chin, Jay Clayton, Michael Dickstein, Lisa Douglass, Shaw Drake, Marc Fagel, Glenn Fine, Jay Finkelstein, David Forst, Tim Fox, Simon Frankel, Michelle Galloway, Emily Galvin Almanza, Kate Gordon, Thomas Griffith, Margaret Hagan, Adam Halpern, Beatrice Hamilton, David Hayes, Lucianna (Luci) Herman, Laura Hoffman, Carlie Horne, Zeba Huq, Erik Jensen, David Johnson, Danielle Jones, Heather Joy, Daphne Keller, Julie Matlof Kennedy, Sallie Kim, Matthew Kline, Scott Kupor, Kenneth Kuwayti, Jiyun Lee, Robin Linsenmayer, Grace Lo, Katherine Makhzoumi, Cary McClelland, Sam McClure, Beth McLellan, Molly Melius, Jeanne Merino, Dinsha Mistree, Nader Mousavi, Chris Nason, Kevin Newsom, Jessica Notini, Traci Owens, Sarah Payne, B. Howard Pearson, Sara Peters, Stephan Ray, Susan Robinson, Michael Romano, Michael Rosenbloom, Betty Rowe, Stephanie Safdi, Richard Salgado, Matthew Sanders, Ticien Sassoubre, Alice Schneider, Alicia Seiger, Rachel Shields, Sarah Shirazyan, Katie Ott Siler, Michelle Sonu, Shanin Specter, Robyn Stanton, Michael Strauss, Milan Sundaresan, Dan Tan, Amy Tovar, April Triantis, Abigail Trillin, Adine Varah, Juan Walker, Lisa Weissman-Ward, Katherine Weymouth, Ines Willemyns, Bryan Wilson, Michael Winn, Joseph Yang
Graduate Advising Expectations
The Stanford Law School is committed to providing academic advising in support of graduate student scholarly and professional development. When most effective, this advising relationship entails collaborative and sustained engagement by both the adviser and the advisee. As a best practice, advising expectations should be periodically discussed and reviewed to ensure mutual understanding. Both the adviser and the advisee are expected to maintain professionalism and integrity.
Faculty advisers guide students in key areas such as selecting courses, designing and conducting research, developing of teaching pedagogy, navigating policies and degree requirements, and exploring academic opportunities and professional pathways.
Graduate students are active contributors to the advising relationship, proactively seeking academic and professional guidance and taking responsibility for informing themselves of policies and degree requirements for their graduate program.
For a statement of University policy on graduate advising, see the "Graduate Advising" section of this bulletin.