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About Us

The program in Biomedical Data Science emphasizes research to develop novel computational methods that can advance biomedicine. Students receive training in the investigation of new approaches to conceptual modeling and to development of new algorithms that address challenging problems in the biological sciences and clinical medicine. Students with a primary interest in developing new informatics methods and knowledge are best suited for this program. Students with a primary interest in the biological or medical application of existing informatics techniques may be better suited for training in the application areas themselves.

Our department is committed to training the next generation of biomedical data scientists, empowering them  to become leaders across academia, industry, government and nonprofit sectors. Our students will learn to ask and answer questions that will advance precision health and medicine and build the foundation for a lifetime of world-class contributions. 

Our goal is for students to excel in the acquisition, processing and  visualization of biomedical data; to develop and implement novel analytical methods to extract knowledge from it; and to  master modeling, representation and retrieval of biomedical knowledge. We also require training in understanding ethical, social, economic, and legal issues and consequences of research.  We seek to attract diverse candidates from all backgrounds and experiences.

Graduate Programs in Biomedical Data Science
Our graduate program are interdisciplinary and offers instruction and research opportunities leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Biomedical Data Science. All students are required to complete the core curriculum requirements, and also to complete additional course work to fulfill degree requirements and pursue their technical interests and goals as specified for each degree program.

Each program can provide flexibility and can complement other opportunities in applied medical research at Stanford. Special arrangements may be made for those with unusual needs or those simultaneously enrolled in other degree programs within the University. Similarly, students with prior relevant training may have the curriculum adjusted to eliminate requirements met as part of prior training.

The GRE is not required for admission.

Please review our BIOMEDIN and BIODS courses as part of the Department of Biomedical Data Science.


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Department of Biomedical Data Science
Edwards, Floor 3, X348
300 Pasteur
Palo Alto, CA 94304