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BIOPH-MS - Biophysics (MS)

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Biophysics Biophysics MS - Master of Science

Program Overview

The Biophysics Program does not offer a coterminal degree program or a separate program for the MS degree. Still, this degree may be awarded for a portion of the PhD work. 

The Biophysics Program offers instruction and research opportunities leading to the PhD in Biophysics. Students admitted to the program may perform graduate research in any appropriate department.

The Stanford Biophysics Program is an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental training program leading to the Ph.D. Degree in biophysics. The program centers on understanding biological function in terms of physical and chemical principles. The program comprises faculty from 16 departments in the Schools of Humanities and Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, and the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory. Research in the Program involves two overlapping branches of biophysics: applying physical and chemical principles and methods to solving biological problems and developing new strategies.

The Biophysics Program aims to train students in quantitative approaches to biological problems while developing their perspective in choosing forefront biological problems. A balanced academic program is tailored to the diverse backgrounds of the students. The program requires graduate-level coursework in physical and biological sciences, participation in seminar series, and, most importantly, achievement of a high level of proficiency in independent research.

Director of Graduate Studies

KC Huang