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CSRE-PMN - Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (PhD Minor)

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Program Overview

The PhD Minor in Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity allows Stanford graduate students in any discipline to engage with comparative, interdisciplinary, and transnational approaches to race and ethnic studies. The program brings together graduate students and faculty from across Stanford’s departments, programs, and schools to think and rethink race and ethnicity in their research, teaching, and impact-focused work. The program also provides training in anti-racist pedagogy, community engagement, and professional development to complement the research focus of graduate-level coursework. The Ph.D. Minor accreditation signals depth and rigor in race-related coursework and demonstrates readiness to teach in the field.

The Ph.D. Minor in Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity is sponsored by the Program in Modern Thought and Literature and administered by the Program in Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity. Students who complete the requirements of the Minor receive the following notation on their transcript and diploma: Ph.D. Minor in Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity.

Prospective students submit a course proposal form that must be approved by the primary faculty advisor and by the Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity Academic Programs team. Visit the CCSRE website for information about how to declare a PhD Minor.

Director of Graduate Studies

Steven Roberts