DATSC-BA - Data Science (BA)
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Program Overview
Mission of the Undergraduate Program in Data Science
The undergraduate program in Data Science aims to provide students with an analytical and quantitative foundation for tackling data-driven problems in science, industry, and society. Data science is an interdisciplinary field combining computational and inferential reasoning to extract knowledge or insights from data for use in various applications. It synthesizes the most relevant parts of foundational disciplines to solve particular problems or applications. As more data and new ways of analyzing data become available, our economy, society, and daily life will become even more dependent on our ability to learn from data systematically.
Students pursuing a BA in Data Science and Social Systems will develop a rigorous understanding of methods and approaches from computer science, statistics, and the social sciences. They will learn to apply technical tools to address substantive problems in that domain. They will develop multiple fluencies in computational methods, broad domain knowledge and applications of social science, and the moral and political frameworks shaping social systems. The BA in Data Science and Social Systems is an ideal major to prepare students for work in the technology sector and a range of industries that require integrating quantitative thinking with an understanding of human behavior or public policy or for careers in the public and social sectors where data-intensive approaches are prized.
BA. Degree Requirements
Data Science and Social Systems majors will complete an introductory course, courses in a set of core areas, a practicum in which they apply data science skills to a well-defined problem, and a pathway in a particular area of concentration. Students should select the BA in Data Science and the Social Systems subplan to declare this major. There are three parts to the core: quantitative (math, computation, statistics, and optimization), behavioral science (psychology, sociology, political science, and economics), and ethics. In addition, the introductory course to the major and the capstone will provide students with real-world examples and opportunities to apply modern computational and statistical techniques to address critical social challenges. Interdisciplinary thinking is essential for data-driven analysis of complex social problems, and the program is designed to prepare students with superb technical training and in-depth knowledge of the social sciences.
Preparing for the Major
Before declaring the major, students must meet with a peer advisor, complete the program sheet, and meet with the Student Services Team. See How to Declare on our website for more information.