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EE-PHD - Electrical Engineering (PhD)

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Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering PHD - Doctor of Philosophy

Program Overview

The Electrical Engineering PhD degree is designed to prepare students for careers in research and teaching at the university level.

The PhD in Electrical Engineering is a specialized degree built on a broad science, mathematics, and engineering skills base. The course program must reflect competency in Electrical Engineering and specialized study in other areas relevant to the student’s research focus. Students should discuss their course selection with their dissertation advisor.

The University’s basic requirements for the PhD degree are outlined in the Graduate Degrees. Department requirements are stated below. 

Students in the PhD program must complete the following requirements: (1) a qualifying examination given by the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering; (2) an approved program of study in Electrical Engineering and allied subjects; (3) an approved topic of research and a written dissertation, based on research, which must be a significant contribution to knowledge; (4) and an oral examination that is a defense of dissertation research and is taken near the completion of the doctoral program.

See the Electrical Engineering Department website for complete requirements and additional information,

Financial Assistance

The Department awards a limited number of fellowships, teaching and course assistantships, and research assistantships to incoming graduate students. Applying for financial assistance is part of the admission application.

Admissions Information

Director of Graduate Studies

Brad Osgood