ENGR-MS - Engineering (MS)
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Program Overview
Courses offered by the School of Engineering are listed under the subject code ENGR on Stanford’s Explore Courses website. Each department listed below also offers courses under the subject codes AA, BIOE, CHEMENG, CEE, CME, CS, EE, MS&E, MATSCI, and ME.
The School of Engineering offers undergraduate programs (see Undergraduate Programs tab above) leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science (BS), programs leading to both BS and Master of Science (MS) degrees, other programs leading to a BS with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in a field of the humanities or social sciences, dual-degree programs with specific other colleges, and graduate curricula (see Graduate Programs tab above) leading to the degrees of MS, Engineer, and PhD.
The school has nine academic departments: Aeronautics and Astronautics, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. These departments and one interdisciplinary program, the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, are responsible for graduate curricula, research activities, and the departmental components of the undergraduate curricula.