POLSC-MA - Political Science (MA)
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Program Overview
Master of Arts in Political Science
The Political Science department does not offer a terminal MA degree. An MA degree may only be pursued with a doctoral degree from another department within Stanford University or with an advanced degree from one of Stanford University’s professional schools (Schools of Law, Medicine, Business). Students interested in pursuing the MA should discuss the application requirements with the Student Services Manager in Political Science.
The department does not offer a coterminal master’s degree.
Adding the MA Degree
While formal application to the MA program is not required, applicants from outside of the Political Science department must:
Complete the MA Course Plan and submit it to the Political Science Student Services Manager via email or in person in Room 100, Ground Floor of Encina Hall West. Please note that a SUNet ID is required to access this form.
Submit the Graduate Authorization Petition through Axess.
After all the requirements for the master’s have been completed: submit the Master’s Program Proposal to the Political Science Student Services Manager via email or in person in Room 100, Ground Floor of Encina Hall West.
Apply to graduate (in Axess, before the quarterly deadline) in the quarter they wish to confer the degree. The degree is not granted automatically.
Students may visit the Political Science office in Encina Hall West Room 100 or phone (650) 723-1318 for additional information.