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STATS-MS - Statistics (MS)

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Statistics Statistics MS - Master of Science

Program Overview

Graduate Degrees discusses the university’s basic requirements for the MS degree. The following are specific departmental requirements.

The MS in Statistics and the MS in Statistics, Data Science track are intended as terminal degree programs and do not lead to the PhD program in Statistics. Students interested in pursuing doctoral study in Statistics should apply directly to the PhD program.

Coterminal Master’s Program

Stanford undergraduates who want to apply for the coterminal master’s degree in Statistics must submit a complete application to the department by the deadline published on the department’s coterminal admissions webpage.

Applications are accepted three times each year, summer, autumn, and winter quarters for autumn, winter, and spring quarter start, respectively. The general GRE is not required of coterminal applicants.

Students pursuing the Statistics coterminal master’s degree must follow the same curriculum requirements stated in the Requirements for the Master of Science in Statistics section.

University Coterminal Requirements

Coterminal master’s degree candidates are expected to complete all master’s degree requirements as described in this Bulletin. Coterminal Master’s Program discusses university requirements for the coterminal master’s degree. Graduate Degrees discusses university requirements for the MS degree.

After accepting admission to this coterminal master’s degree program, students may request a transfer of courses from the undergraduate to the graduate career to satisfy the requirements for the master’s degree. Transferring courses to the graduate career requires review and approval of both the undergraduate and graduate programs on a case-by-case basis.

Master's Degree Program Proposal

The Statistics Master's Degree Program Proposal form must be signed and approved by the department's student services administrator before submission to the student's program advisor. This form is due no later than the end of the first quarter of enrollment in the program. A revised program proposal must be submitted if degree plans change. There is no thesis requirement.

Minimum Progress

As defined in the general graduate student requirements, students must maintain a 3.0 ('B') grade point average overall in courses applicable to the degree.

With the exception of STATS 118; Math 104, Math 113; CS 106B, CS 107, CME 108, classes must be taken at the 200 level or higher.

Admissions Information

Prospective applicants should consult the Graduate Admissions and the Statistics Department admissions webpages for complete information on admission requirements and deadlines.

Applicants apply to the Master of Science degree program in Statistics and subsequently declare their preference under the "Department Specialization" option within the graduate application. Applicants who have selected that specialization upon submitting their application will only be considered for the DS subplan.

Stanford students interested in the Data Science subplan in Statistics must apply as external candidates.

Visit Graduate Admissions to start an application.

Director of Graduate Studies

Guenther Walther