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Policy Statement

During Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, matriculated students are expected to register at the regular full-tuition rate as described on the Full-time Status page.

During the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, matriculated graduate students in most departments may register at the reduced 8-, 9-, or 10-unit tuition rate if their enrollment plans are accepted by their departments. Students in the Stanford Law School, the MBA program in the Graduate School of Business, or the M.D. program in the School of Medicine, should consult appropriate school officers about tuition reduction eligibility.

All students are advised, before registering at less than the regular full-tuition rate, to consider the effects of that registration on their degree progress and on their eligibility for financial aid and awards, visas, deferment of student loans, and residency requirements.

The University reserves the right to change at any time, without prior notice, tuition, room fees, board fees, or other charges.

Quarterly tuition for the academic year 2023-24, for Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters.

Tuition Group

Tuition Category


All amounts are per quarter unless otherwise indicated.




Permit for Services Only (PSO)



8-10 units


11-18 units


Each additional unit above 18


Graduate Engineering

8-10 units


11-18 units


Each additional unit above 18


Graduate School of Business

MBA Program - First Year


MBA Program - Second Year


MSx: M.S. in Management for Experienced Leaders

$138,640/year (4 quarters)

GSB & Law Joint Degree Program**


Law School


School of Medicine

M.D. Program*


Medical School Research Rate


TGR (Terminal Graduate Registration)


Graduation Quarter





Visiting Student Researchers


Permit to Attend (PTA)***


*Ph.D. students in the Biomedical Sciences and in the Graduate School of Business are assessed the standard graduate tuition rate.
**Law/GSB joint degree program tuition rate.
***Policies concerning Auditing a Stanford Course.

Regular tuition fees apply to the undergraduate Overseas Studies and Stanford in Washington programs.

Reduced Tuition Rates

The following reduced-tuition categories can be requested by matriculated students in the final stages of their degree program.


Reduced tuition Category


Permit to Attend for Services Only (PSO)

Undergraduates completing honors theses, clearing incompletes, or requiring a registration status, and who meet the PSO conditions listed in the Special Registration Statuses for Undergraduate Students section of this Bulletin, may petition for PSO status one time only in their terminal quarter.

Part-Time Enrollment (Accommodation)

Students with disabilities covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act that have an approved reduced course load recommended by the Office of Accessible Education (OAE) may also request a tuition adjustment for each quarter in which they take a reduced course load.

Part-Time Enrollment (Terminal Quarter) (formerly 13th Quarter)

Undergraduates who meet the part-time enrollment (terminal quarter) conditions listed in the Special Registration Statuses for Undergraduate Students section of this Bulletin may petition one time only to register for a minimum of eight units.

Graduation Quarter

Undergraduates may petition to register for Graduation Quarter registration status in the quarter in which they are receiving a degree if they are not using any University resources (including housing), have completed all University requirements, and meet the Graduation Quarter conditions listed in the Special Registration Statuses for Undergraduate Students section of this bulletin. Graduation Quarter may be permitted one time only. The tuition for the Graduation Quarter is $150.

Coterminal students are only eligible for the Graduation Quarter special registration status if they are applying to confer both the undergraduate and graduate degree in the same quarter.


Reduced tuition Category


Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR)

Doctoral students, master's students, and students pursuing Engineer degrees who have completed all degree requirements other than the University oral exam and dissertation (doctoral students) or a required project or thesis (Engineer or master's students) and meet the conditions listed in the Special Registration Statuses for Graduate Students section of this bulletin may request Terminal Graduate Registration tuition status.

Each quarter, TGR students must enroll in the 801 (for master's and Engineer students) or 802 (for doctoral students) course in their department for zero units, in the appropriate section for their adviser. TGR students register at a special tuition rate as outlined above. TGR students may enroll in up to 3 units of course work per quarter at this tuition rate. Within certain restrictions, TGR students may enroll in additional courses at the applicable unit rate. The additional courses cannot be applied toward degree requirements since all degree requirements must be complete in order to earn TGR status.

Part-Time Enrollment (Accommodation)

Students with disabilities covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act that have an approved reduced course load recommended by the Office of Accessible Education (OAE) may also request a tuition adjustment for each quarter in which they take a reduced course load.

Part-Time Enrollment (Terminal Quarter)

Graduate students who need only 3 to 7 remaining units to complete degree requirements or to qualify for TGR status may apply to register for one quarter only on a unit basis (3 to 7 units) to cover the deficiency.

Graduation Quarter

Registration is required for the term in which a student submits a dissertation or has a degree conferred. Students who meet the conditions listed in the Special Registration Statuses for Graduate Students section of this bulletin are eligible to be assessed a special tuition rate of $150 for the quarter in which they are receiving a degree.

Students in Multiple Programs


Coterm students should see Coterminal Tuition page for more information about how coterminal tuition is charged.

Graduate Students

Graduate students who are enrolled in more than one graduate degree at Stanford, where each program charges different tuition, are charged:

  1. the tuition associated with a degree in the doctoral/professional category, if the other degree is in the master's category. Those degrees in the doctoral or professional category for tuition purposes are the Ph.D., D.M.A., J.S.D., M.D., and J.D. degrees. Those degrees in the master's category for tuition purposes are the Engineer, M.A., M.S., M.P.P., M.B.A., M.F.A., L.L.M., M.L.S., and J.S.M. degrees.

  2. the higher tuition rate, if both degrees are in the same category.

  3. a University-approved tuition rate if the student is in a special program for which specific tuition agreements have been approved by the Faculty Senate (e.g., all joint degree programs (JDPs) or the Master of Science in Medicine program).

Summer Quarter Tuition

As a general proposition, during the Summer Quarter registration is not required by Stanford University and does not substitute for registration during the academic year.

During Summer Quarter, Stanford undergraduates may register on a unit-basis.

Graduate students who do enroll Summer Quarter may reduce their enrollment to a minimum of one unit (charged on a per-unit basis) unless the terms of a fellowship or other financial support, or of their particular degree program, require a higher level of enrollment. TGR students who enroll in summer pay the TGR rate and must enroll in the required zero-unit course.

Students in the schools of Law, Business, or the M.D. program should consult appropriate school officers regarding summer enrollment requirements. Students possessing an F1 or J1 student visa may be subject to additional course enrollment requirements in order to retain their student visas.

International Students

F-1 or J-1 visas are required by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. International students must be registered as full-time students during the academic year. Summer Quarter registration is not required unless the I-20/DS-2019 notes the Summer Quarter as the start date. International graduate students comply with immigration regulations while enrolled for partial tuition if their Stanford fellowships or assistantships require part-time enrollment, if they are in TGR status, or if they are in the final quarter of a degree program. Nonmatriculated graduate students who are international students must register for at least 8 units.

Non-Matriculated Students

Honors Cooperative students register at the per-unit rate. Graduate students who are faculty spouses, regular Stanford employees, or full-time educators in the Bay Area may also register at the per-unit rate.

Non-matriculated graduate students pay the same tuition rates as matriculated students but must register for at least 8 units. Visiting Student Researchers pay a monthly fee; they may not enroll in or audit courses. Within certain restrictions, postdoctoral scholars may enroll in courses if the appropriate unit rate for tuition is paid.


Tuition exceptions may also be made for illness, disability, pregnancy, new-parent relief, or other instances at the discretion of the University. No reduction in tuition charges are made after the first two weeks of the quarter.

Contact Information

The Student Services Center