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About Us

The Program in International Relations (IR) offers an interdisciplinary undergraduate major, minor, and honors program allowing students to explore how global, regional, and domestic factors influence relations between actors in the modern state system. IR students may focus on a range of issues including international security, international trade and finance, political and economic development, human rights and humanitarian policy, democratization, climate change, global health as well as the politics, history, and cultures of other countries and world regions. The IR Program prepares students for careers in the government, nongovernment, and private sectors, and for admission into graduate programs, including law, international policy, business, political science, economics, and journalism.

It is possible for students majoring in International Relations to work simultaneously for a coterminal master’s degree in a number of related fields. Coterminal students should consult advisers in both departments or programs to ensure that they fulfill the degree requirements in both fields. For information on the M.A. program in International Policy, see the International Policy section of this bulletin. University requirements for the coterminal M.A. are described in the Coterminal Master's Degrees section of this bulletin. See also the Registrar's Coterminal Degree Programs pages.


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Program in International Relations (IR)
Encina Hall Central, Suite 030
616 Jane Stanford Way
Mail Code: 6045
Stanford, CA 94305