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ARTP-BA - Art Practice (BA)

Art & Art History Undergraduate Matriculated BA - Bachelor of Arts

Program Overview

The department offers courses of study in:

  • Art History

  • Art Practice (studio)

  • Film and Media Studies

  • Film Production

These programs lead to Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees in Art History, Art Practice, and Film and Media Studies; Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) degrees in Art Practice and Documentary Film and Video; and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Art History.

The undergraduate program is designed to help students think critically about the visual arts and visual culture. Courses focus on the meaning of images and media and their historical development, societal roles, and relationships to disciplines such as literature, music, and philosophy. Work performed in the classroom, studio, and screening room is designed to develop a student’s powers of perception, capacity for visual analysis, and knowledge of technical processes.

How to Declare the Major

To declare the major, students must meet with the Student Services Specialist. During this meeting,  students select a faculty advisor with guidance from the Student Service Specialist. Students then must confirm that the faculty member has agreed to advise them by filing a signed advisor form.

During the first two weeks of each quarter, majors must meet with their faculty advisor and the Student Services Specialist to have coursework approved and ensure they are meeting degree requirements. 

During their junior year, declared art practice majors may apply for the Honors Program in Art Practice; for details, see the Honors section below.

Preparing for the Major

Suggested Preparation for the Major

Students considering an Art Practice major are encouraged to take the following three introductory courses, which also fulfill major requirements,  during their frosh or sophomore years. The core studio series  course ‘Foundations 2D’ and course ‘Foundations 3D/4D’ expose students to a broad range of contemporary artists and hands-on art-making techniques, familiarize students with the various studio facilities in the Department of Art & Art History, introduce key theoretical concepts in contemporary practice, and provide experience with group critiques and exhibition practices which are critical components of the art practice field and major. course ‘Art and Power’ familiarizes students with contemporary thinking regarding the power dynamics in the production and circulation of art, along with its cultural and historical uses and impacts. By taking these three core courses early on, students gain a broad overview of the field and its essential components, which can better situate and contextualize their elective coursework for the major upon declaring.